Axiomatic Biomechanics Consultancy
Musculoskeletal Podiatry Service
Neville Parker, MSK Podiatrist
Biomechanics is the study of how the body behaves under stress and strain. Podiatry practises the clinical application of this knowledge and understanding. Clinically we look at the movements of your foot and how it compensates for poor alignment and function as it contacts with the ground. Foot dysfunction can also affect the rest of your lower limb and leads to aches and pains in your feet and other areas of your body – such as your knees, hips and back.
Musculoskeletal (MSK) Podiatrists should be the first health professional you should approach if you have activity related foot pain. They are trained to identify the cause and potential origins of lower limb dysfunction to resolve a multitude of conditions that can make being on your feet, or taking part in any sport uncomfortable. Conditions such as Plantar Fasciitis, Metatarsalgia, Arch pain, Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction and Achilles Tendinopathy are regularly managed by MSK Podiatrists.
Axiomatic Podiatry offers Podiatric Biomechanical assessment of musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries ranging from advice to the provision of functional foot orthoses. A detailed initial assessment is carried out with advice and is combined with immediate treatment for your main concern. Usually, this is done with a trial orthotic/insert made on the spot. This allows the body to engage with the devices gradually. Many patients experience a drastic reduction or even complete resolution of their symptoms at this stage. Then, for those who require long-term orthoses, a final prescription is formulated ordered and reviewed in terms of effectiveness and comfort.
Other treatments can include mobilisation and Foot & ankle manipulation, foot & ankle rehabilitation, exercise and stretching plans, daily and sport footwear advice.
Other services available are research development of products used in the field of podiatric biomechanics, commercial market research advice and piloting of products in development.